UWK Solutions

Custom Built Crawlers

Tank crawler, water pump, pole
Tank Crawler 2
Tank Crawler 1
Tank Crawler with pole

Tank Crawler

Custom-built affordable thickness gauging crawler. Simple to use and configurable. Magnetic or non-magnetic wheels available. Pole driven or drop-down versions available. Spring-loaded water irrigated probe assembly. Probe assembly can be modified to suit all probe types. Suitable for A-scan thickness gauging and plate testing. Encoder for B-scan applications can be fitted upon request. See corrosion mapping information.

Pole for tank crawler
Battery powered water pump for tank crawler

Water Pump

20 litre container with battery powered pump and speed control. Suitable for water couplant to crawlers. Water pipe sizes - 4mm, 6mm, 8mm and 10mm.

Tank Crawler Wheel Assembly

Crawler probe Housing

Various probe housings can be fitted to all crawlers. The housing is spring-loaded to maintain constant pressure.